Castana Organization in Terra Rynn | World Anvil


The Castana are the secretive elite soldiers of the Svanesse kingdom. The Castana are known for their extensive reach, brutal efficiency, and relative autonomy; they are given rough mission guidelines, and have wide latitude in their operations. The Castana are charged with uncovering threats to the realm, and eliminating them before they grow into a larger threat. As far as most people are aware, the Castana work independently of the kingdom's main military, and have led many to consider as to whether they are loyal to the kingdom, or to the crown exclusively.   Central to the Castana’s prowess and success is the use of great winged beasts known as Ashbirds. With a wingspan of nearly a hundred feet, Ashbirds can carry a Cadre for days before needing to land, allowing Castana to operate far afield, and across otherwise inhospitable terrain. The exact origin of Ashbirds remains unclear. Despite a few successful thefts of young ashbirds, no other nation to date has successfully managed to raise and train Ashbirds to the same degree as Svain, given the nation a unique military advantage.  

Titles & Leadership

  Aerie Commander Guillermo Alcalde - Leader of all Castana Operations, and direct advisor to the Crown.  
  • Aerie Senechel Antônio Guerra- Senior commander of all Aerie base operations and maintenance.
  • Red Marshall Bruno Alcaide - commanding officer in charge of recruitment and training
  • Denmaster Soraya Sáenz - commanding officer in charge of Ashbird nursery and husbandry.
  • Quartermaster Ruben Mallén - commanding officer in charge of supplies, lodging, and general administration.
  Wing Commanders - Senior Cadre commanders and advisors to the Aerie Commander.
  • Rayan Sambuesa - East Station
  • Adan Merino - North Station
  • Valentina Cardoso - South Station
  • Emanuel Oliveira - Northeast Station
  Ace - Senior Castana members known for signature mission accomplishments
  • Simone Arruda - Cadre Commander for Sorrow’s Eclipse; Uncovered and foiled major Ikaran Naval blockade near Ghale.
  • Luiz Dias - Specialist for Midnight’s Embrace; Single-handedly decimated an Alkandran vanguard platoon.
  • Milena Ramos - Sabatour for Starlight Shadow; Disabled the bridge at Ierian crossing; covering the retreat of Thelen soldiers during the War of Four Winters.
  • Diogo Madruga - Pilot for Gloaming Wind; flew through a typhoon in the outer Kor sea, and landed on Kyrene barge to extract captured Cadre.

Dark Wings Bear Gentle Winds

Government, Secret Service

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