The Collector
There is a man, elusive and enigmatic, that lives within a private estate inside the holy city of Crestfall. His collection of rare and mysterious artifacts are legendary to the few allowed to see them. How does he come to acquire such things, this hermit? That is where you come in, an opportunist, tempted by the promise of extraordinary wealth. You set out to serve this individual, to be his hands and eyes, to fill his endless greed and boundless curiosity. He pays quite a bit for your loyalty and discretion.
Chapter Master - Jack
Quartermaster - Dealer
Ambassador - Gambler
Member - Suit
Tenets of Faith
- Seek out rare treasures and significant pieces of history for your patron.
- Spill not the blood of those that aided you in finding it, but they don't have to know you found it.
- won't always get that which you seek; forgiveness from The Collector, however, is in short supply.
- Never steal from The Collector.
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