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A Poisons


The Poisons of Atlantis that start with A


Causes 6 - 10 points of damage (1-6, 1-8, 1-10)



Causes six or less points of damage (1-3, 1-4, 1-6)


Achaierai poison

Creates a poison gas cloud which does 2 - 12 (2d6) damage (no save), then save vs. poison or go insane for 3 hours as the druid FEEBLEMIND spell


Amber death

Appears as a thin amber colored carbonated liquid or amber gel.

Starts in 1-4 (1d4) rounds, and runs it's course in 2-20 (2d10) rounds. Damage is equal to the total hit points of the victim divided by the number of active rounds of the poison. (Round *ALL* fractions up!)


Antman poison

This poison does 4-26(4d6) damage, save for half


Archer bush poison

Save vs. poison or die. If save is made, victim loses half their remaining hit points

Ascomoid spores

Save vs. poison or die in 1-4 (1d4) rounds. If save is made, the victim is blinded and stunned for 1-4 (1d4). Victim gains NO shield or dexterity bonus


Asp toxin

Save vs. poison or take 1-8 (1d8) damage per round for 20 rounds (or until cured). Save each round for half damage


Asp venom

Does 4d6 points of damage


Assassin bug poison

Save vs. poison or be paralyzed for 7 - 12 rounds, a save indicates that it effects the recipient as a SLOW spell for 1 turn


Assassin snake toxin

Created from a mixtre of various types of snake venoms. Due to a constant state of instability, the save and damage results must be rolled for at time of induction: Rolled # Save Result
-------- ---- ------------------- 01 - 04 +3 Incapacitated
05 - 08 +2 Death
09 - 11 +1 2-8 (2d4) damage
12 - 14 0 3-12 (3d4) damage
15 - 17 -1 Incapacitated 4 days
18 - 19 -1 Incapacitated 12 days
20 -3 Death


Assassin's venom

A standard poison for assassins,
it does 1d20 per day of brewing time (an average dose does 1d20 to 4d20, but cannot exceed 10d20 in damage).

It costs 500 gold per day to make and if a 5,000 gold piece gemstone is powdered and added to the brew, the poison will do an additional 1d12 damage per gemstone per day (one stone per day maximum)



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