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City of Cadiz


The City of Cadiz has many names, and indeed is known as the City of Names as a result. It has many unique features, being a floating city, that rests safely near the north-western coast of the Reach.  

The Circles

Each of the sections of the city is a 'Circle' - a circular floating township that houses everything the inhabitants need. The need to actually go to other parts of the city are minimised through each circle being effectively self-reliant. However each Circle does have a specialisation that makes it a preferred location in the city for different activities.   Each Circle is controlled by a Hublaird - who can shift the location of each Circle and reorientate that part of the city as is needed. This includes being able to move the Circle when it is being attacked - allowing the City to effectively surround any fleet foolish enough to attack it. In bad weather each section of the city can 'anchor' itself to the shore line to withstand any weather front hitting the area.   The City itself as a whole moves along the coast - normally in  a clock-wise rotation - giving the city one of it's names - it does so to match the movement of fish stocks and weather patterns along the coast during summer months.


Elves 18000 Humans 29000 Others 1000


Prince Gadeiros heads up the city but has a very 'hands-off' approach. He nominated a 'Hublaird' for each of the hubs in the city. As the city becomes larger, Gadeiros, promotes larger hubs to be townships of their own - and these hubs then 'embark' to other waters to grow and develop into independent cities.


The Central Hub of the Floating City - called the Hex Ring, is the seat of Government for the Prince and also the site of the main military forces of the City. Each Hub has a set of Dwarven built Defense Towers.


The main parts of the city are floating on the coast of the Upper Reach. The whole city from the air appears like a set of cogs in the water and is often referred to as some form of clock-like mechanism. The Sewer system is unique - in that it is purified by a permanent Pure Water and Soil spell the instant that it enters the toilet system. This purification system is achieved through the presence of the Daemon Epidotes (Επιδωτης) the Bountiful, in the precincts of the Delphi Circle of the city. Epidotes is the purifier, in this case his presence purifies some elements of physical nature automatically.


The City of Cadiz is a floating city paradise. Each area of the city is a 'circle' being a floating island which is effectively self-maintained and therefore requiring minimal 'inter-hub' travel by residents. Each hub when reaching a particular size can if needed, set off by itself to become a self contained town near to the city. Such towns regularly 're-dock' to have stored waste purified by Epidotes Blessing. The control of each town/city is controlled in the Hublaird Office of each Circle. These allow each circle city to move around the coastline of the Reaches controlled by Gadieros. In addition each section has at least two 'Causeway' semicircular docks that interact with those of other Cadiz Towns and Cities to act as bridges linking one circle to another. This allows the city to grow or shrink as is required and shift its orientation to other Cadiz assets as required.


  • Elven Cadiz Circles
    The Elves of Ithil are based here in the floating city of Cadiz.
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
The Clockwise City, The City of Names, The Floating City, The Rainbow City, Elfhome, City of Refuge, the Sewer City
Inhabitant Demonym
Cadizans, Clockers
Location under
Owning Organization


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