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Clan Arboth

Clan Arboth (Improvement)

The Booster Clan

The Healstones


The Healstones are the Dwarven Clan that took upon itself to ensure the 'betterment'. of the Dwarves.

This translated into Dwarven as Arboth, which means Improvement or Betterment.

The Healstone Clan is one of the Four (Eth Te'jara) - the second generation of Dwarves. As one of the Te'jara Clan, the clan is well respected and considered one of the key Clans in Dwarven society - it rarely has many adventuring types coming from it's ranks.

Steele of Athena Impacts

From the Steele of Athena, the clan received its role - the task of betterment of the Dwarven Kingdom.

Clan Assets

The Clan Arboth have extensive control over the foodstuffs in the Kingdom. This allows Characters from this Clan to reduce food costs by 10% when restocking from Dwarven sources.

  The Healstones generate healers and guardians from the Priest class.

Preferred Class Kits

NPC: PACIFIST PRIEST Priest PHBR3 Complete Cleric Book Page 104

SCHOLAR PRIEST - Priest - PHBR3 Complete Cleric Book Page 108

TEMPLEGUARD Priest - PHBR6 Complete Dwarf Book Page 65

TROUBLESHOOTER KIT - Rogue - PHBR2 Complete Thief Book Page 44


Clan Bonus Abilities

All Arboth Dwarves gain Healing at no cost at the start of their character's adventures.

Arboth Healing 0 points cost Wisdom -2 Player's Handbook (pg. 59) PHB 59

Bonus Equipment

  The Arboth seek to protect others and to ensure that no one in the Dwarven Kingdom suffers - they seek to improve the quality of life for all in the community.They gain a 50% discount and removal of service rendering requirement when treated at the Aesclepeion of Atlantis.

The same benefit stands for all services provided by the Healers' Guild.

Families of the Clan

  Clan Arboth has three families. They include two clans that are largely NPC clans - not being well suited to adventuring life. It is rumored that they are permitted in Dwarven society partly because of their Noble Origins as 2nd Generation Eth Te'jara, but also so that the skills that they possess are not lost to the Dwarven race - which are normally so Underground and Practically inclined in their skill base.

Kin Velzma (Mushroom Kin)

  This clan specialises Herbalism and teaches this extensively to its members. Unfortunately many have discovered the wonders of different mind altering plants and are effectively little more than subterranean based botanists.

It has been rumored that those of other families falling in with this clan are often removed from active participation in Dwarven society and many would-be commanders and leaders have been tested by them.

Bonus Abilities

Members of the family can learn for free up to a value of three points NWP of the following:

Botany 1 Intelligence -1 Dragon Magazine #169 (pg. 20) DMag169 20

Fungi Recognition 1 Intelligence 3 The Complete Book of Dwarves (pg. 43) CDwarf 43

Herbalism 2 Intelligence -2 Player's Handbook (pg. 59) PHB 59

Venom Handling 1 Wisdom -2 The Complete Book of Necromancers (pg. 23) CNec 23


Kin Kzul Fjad (Rainbow Clan)

This clan seeks to bring peace to everyone - they are totally pacifist in their outlook. They teach healing, artistic self-expression, and weaving to anyone who will study with them. Few dwarves are interested in such pursuits. They are most notable for their colorful clothing.

They are often seen tending to gardens, giving out free food to any who need it and providing healing to the sick and ill.

Any area they move into is beautified and the effects of fumes, smoke, smelting processes are all neutralised. Their largest enclaves have been found around the Volcanic based forges that run the risks of highly toxic emissions and even gas explosions. Curiously their presence reduces the occurrence of such disasters by up to 75%. They are therefore often found around the outskirts of smelting areas, volcanic vents and steam bore holes in the towns, cities and strongholds of the Dwarven kingdom.

Bonus Abilities

Can study at half-NWP cost learning:

Artistic Ability 1 Wisdom 0 Player's Handbook (pg. 57) PHB 57

Brewing 1 Intelligence 0 Player's Handbook (pg. 58) PHB 58

Chanting 1 Charisma 2 The Complete Book of Humanoids (pg. 93) CHum 93

Cheesemaking 1 Intelligence 0 The Complete Book of Humanoids (pg. 93) CHum 93 (Never ask where they get the milk from)

Cooking 1 Intelligence 0 Player's Handbook (pg. 58) PHB 58

Poetry 1 Intelligence -2 The Complete Book of Humanoids (pg. 97) CHum 97

Singing 1 Charisma 0 Player's Handbook (pg. 63) PHB 63

Venom Handling 1 Wisdom -2 The Complete Book of Necromancers (pg. 23) CNec 23

Weaving 1 Intelligence -1 Player's Handbook (pg. 65) PHB 65

Winemaking 1 Intelligence 0 The Complete Book of Humanoids (pg. 98) CHum 98

Kin Deathward (The Medic Clan)

  Kin Deathward have no time for the apparent silliness of other Clan families - but are still seen in their presence as often as not. This puzzles other Dwarven families but is not commented upon. The Deathward Kin are specialists in Battlefield Triage and fast healing.


Bonus Healing:

It is through the influences of the Deathward that the Lambda symbol was adopted to all 2nd Generation Dwarven Shields.

The individuals from Deathward Kin can also study Herbalism at half-cost (1 point).


Social Standing

As members of the Four - the Deathward Kin family is considered UUC (Upper Upper Class) in Dwarven Terms. The other two because of their apparent non-dwarven approaches to life are considered UMC (Upper Middle Class) in terms of respect at the most, and are often even treated like LLC (Lower Lower Class) when encountered individually.


Hidden Kits

The Arboth operatives inside The Hidden include:

Dwarven Spy Kit PHBR 2 - Complete Thieves Book - Spy Page 41

Dwarven Venom-master Assassins
A Venom-Master not only uses poisons, but also develops new ones, and is very skilled at identifying and collecting poison compounds. The Venom Masters also have access to Gas Grenades from Volcanic Based Fumes and Toxic Smoke (Treated the same as Grenade Like Weapons when throwing Flasks of Oil).

Alternative Names
The Healers, The Healstones, the Stoners
Neighboring Nations
Related Ethnicities


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