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Elven Currency


The Elves as a whole do not value items of mass production beyond their utility. Rather items of artistic merit that are unique - such as art or hand-written phrases of importance by famous elves in history all have more value than any small piece of metal. The fragility of the paper and materials make them even more valuable.This is a Deed Currency among Elves.

Deed of Value

  The Deed of Value could be anything - ranging from a certificate to a signed piece of paper. Needless to say no other race sees any value but to an Elf with Appraisal - the sky is the limit for what some items could be worth. In some cases the Elf will have a promisary note that acts as a safe keeping invoice or receipt of the real valued item that will be stored in the Houses in Cadiz. Each House specialises in writings and items from the classes, artisans and artists that most closely match their own values.


Where the Elvish sense of value and that of Young-Walkers (Other Races) merge is with regards to gemstones. For the Elves, Gems of particular type hold a value far above the normal gemstone value. This is of course linked to the Magical power that all Gemstones are imbued with. However, for Elves this was always evident in the stones.

Physical Form

Deed Currency (Tanna)
  In form the 'Deed Currency' of Elves appears as ornate envelopes which actually contain the treasured item. However, in many cases the valued item - painting, lock of hair, original poem, or magical item, deed to a home, etc, is stored in an Elven Memory Vault somewhere in the Elf's home town or city.
Gemstone Currency (Miri)
  Grey and High Elves value Red, Blue and White Gemstones - with the variants of Purple (Red/Blue), Pink (Red/White) and Light Blue (Blue/White) holding a particular degree of popularity too.   Sylvan and Wild Elves value Gemstones that remind them of animals. Therefore Dalmation Jasper, Spotted Jasper and Tiger Eye Gemstones have a particular standing with those races of Elves. Lunerial Elves value Gemstones that remind them of the Sun and Moon. So Yellow, Silver and White Stones each have a particular value to Lunerial Elves.


The Elvish term for currency is Tanna - 'Tanna is a token which is a thing serving as a visible or tangible representation of a fact, quality, feeling, and a badge or favor , it can equally be a voucher that can be exchanged for goods or services. All of these elements of a 'Token' match the Elvish concepts of Deed Currency. Gemstone Currency is Miri, something that is precious and valued.
Tanna (Token) Elvish Deed Currency
Item type
Currency & Deeds


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