F Poisons
Causes 51 - 60 points of damage (9d6, 7d8, 6d10, 3d20)
A very simple poison though it is magical based. The effect simply moves the body's center of gravity one foot higher than normal and shortens the arms by one foot.
Duration: 4 - 24 (4d6) rounds.
(Note: While under the effect of this poison, all attacks are at -4/-4 and the recipient's armor class is at -4)
Fire snake venom
Save vs. poison or be paralyzed for 2 - 8 (2d4) turns
Flumph acid toxin
An acidic toxin that does 1d8 damage, then 1d4 damage per round for 2 - 8 (2d4) rounds
A green odorless liquid. Can be made into a gas, otherwise used as Chayapa.
Acts in 1 - 3 rounds. Causes convultions that knock the victim off their feet and cause them to shake and twitch around.
Lasts for 1 - 6 rounds. Save for no effect at +2
Formian poison
Does 4-16 (4d4) damage, save for half damage
Freeze bee poison
Does 2-16(2d8) damage (Cold damage), Save for half damage
A pale green liquid or powder, smells like apples. Does 3 - 30 (3d10) damage, starts in 1 - 3 rounds, runs it's course in 1 - 8 rounds. Save for no damage
Frog oil poison
Created from large river toads, this poison does 5d6 points of damage
Fungoid mushroom poison
Save vs. poison or this mushroom dust will act as a FEEBLEMIND spell upon the victim
Fungus poison
Does 2d8 to 7d8 points of damage