G Poisons
Causes 61 - 70 points of damage (8d8, 11d6, 7d10)
A unique venom, as it is very powerful but slow (save at -2).
If a save is not made the victim willseem to be under a SLOW spell, the next day,the victim will be totally paralyzed. The following days, the victim will take 5 points of dam age a day (cumulative: 5, 10, 15, 20,...) until the poison is neutralized
Pale blue liquid or powder, smells like horse sweat.
Does 4 - 40 (4d10) damage, starts in 1 - 3 rounds, runs it's course in 2 turns. Save for no damage
Galtrit saliva
Anesthetizes the body and causes the loss of 1d4 constitution points (Regained at the rate of 1 point/day).
Garbug toxin
Save vs. poison or be paralyzed for 1 - 6 turns
Ghoul poison
Save vs. poison or take 4d6 damage and begin to rot at 1 point of damage per turn until healed, or the poison is neutralized, or a REMOVE CURE is case upon the victim. A save indicates that no damage will be taken, but the victim still rots.
Ghoul sweat
A scummy green gel, used like Chayapa. Smells like rotten meat.
It's effects are to paralyze for 5 - 10 (1d6+4) rounds. It acts immediately. Save for no effect at +1
Giant Hornet poison
Save vs. poison or take 5 - 30 (5d6) damage and be incapacitated for 2 - 12 (2d6) days, a save indicates half damage and no incapacitation.
Giant ant poison
This acid does 1-3(1d3) to 20-60(20d3) damage, save for half damage
Giant lizard poison
Save vs. poison or take 2-6 (2d3) to 20-60 (20d3) damage. A save indicates half damage
Giant scorpion poison
Save vs. poison or die
Giant sea spider venom
Save vs. poison or take 1-4 (1d4) damage
Giant snake venom
Save vs. poison or take 1-4 (1d4) to 20-80 (20d4) damage
Gila monster venom
Save vs. poison or take 1-6 (1d6) damage per round for 10 rounds (or until cured). Save each round for half damage
Gila poison
Does 1-8(1d8) damage
Gnome poison
Kills only Gnomes, all else take 2 - 12 (2d6) damage
Goldbug poison
Save vs. poison or DIE!
Golden fool
Gold powder.
Touch does 4 - 48 (4d12), starts in 1 rounds, runs it's course in 1 - 8 rounds. Save for half damage.
Completely undetectable on gold items, otherwise it leaves a gold discoloration after application
Gom Jabbar
Does damage equal to the victims hit points (minus 1) and kills that victim with no save
Greenback mushroom poison
Made from a VERY RARE form of green mushrooms,
The victim must save vs. poison or sucumb to the effects of a 12th level PHANTASMAL KILLER
Grell poison
Save vs. poison or be paralyzed for 20 rounds (Less the victims constitution, Min of 5 rounds)
Grey horror poison
Save vs. poison (-2) or take 8-48 (8d6) damage and be paralyzed for that many rounds
Grond poison
Save vs. poison or take 3-18 (3d6) damage
Ground golden mushrooms
This mushroom powder is not a "true" poison, but it does have value to an assassin. If placed on a piece of stone it will turn to flesh, also if placed on flesh, the flesh will turn to stone.
Duration: Until magically dispelled
Ground panther whiskers
Consuming this substance is comparable to eating ground glass, the substance does 4d8 damage
Ground rakshasa whiskers
Similar to ground panther whiskers, this substance is also very deadly.
This poison works only when ingested and it does 5d10 damage
Dark green liquid or powder, smells like wax.
Starts in 1 round does a flat 75 points of damage over 1 - 10 turns.
Very painful; victim disabled after taking 15 points of damage, cannot walk, fight, barely able to talk. Save for half damage at -4
Gyronite poison
Does 8-32(8d4) to 15-45(15d4) damage, save at +4 for no damage