H Poisons
Causes 71 - 80 points of damage (9d8, 12d6, 13d6, 8d10, 4d20, 10d8)
Hangman's acid
Does 3-12 (3d4) damage, lasts for 2-4 (1d4, treating all 1's as 2's). This acid will wash off with water, but if alcohol is applied to it, it does DOUBLE DAMAGE
Harvestman poison
Save vs. poison or take 3-24 (3d8) damage
Hell moth poison
Does 1-8(1d8) damage
Causes the following effects:
--Extreme salivation, Vomiting, Abdominal pain, Paralysis of extremities, Convolutions
If the save is made, the symptoms vanish after 2-12 (2d6) rounds, else the victim dies after a like amount of time.
Hemlock poison
Causes internal bleeding, doing 1d8 damage per day until death or a CURE SERIOUS WOUNDS or better spell is cast upon the victim (or a NEUTRALIZE POISON)
Hobbit poison
Kills only Hobbits, all else take 2 - 12 (2d6) damage.
Huecuva poison
Save vs. poison or catch a cardio-vascular-renal disease (Very acute), a save indicates 1 - 4 (1d4) damage
Huld Also known as "Leap" or "Deathdance".
This is an odorless oil that is effective on non- humanoid creatures - except for humans and demi-humans. It works only by insinuation. It's effects are the same regardless of dosage and appear 1-4 (1d4) rounds after application.
Huld causes severe muscle spasms involving nausea and the loss of motor control, balance, and speech - lasting for 1-6 (1d6) rounds. During this time the victim is helpless, but by no means an easy target since he/she/it is thrashing around wildly and unpredictable. Mental processes are totally unaffected (IE: Psionics or other communication can be initiated or continued, and in some cases a psionic ability can be used to control or stop the poisons effects).
A particular individual will be 95% resistant to Huld for a period of 10-21 (1d10+9) days after exposure to it, and thus repeated doses will not be effective.