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Indurated Steel


  From: Apollonius Rhodius, Argonautica 3. 221 ff (trans. Rieu) (Greek epic C3rd B.C.) : [Hephaistos (Hephaestus)] created Indurated Steel for use in the making of a Tiller of soil for the Colchis Bronze Bulls , the Tauroi Khalkeoi.   This metal is a stronger form of steel, today referred to as Damascus Steel from which armor and weaponry can be forged.  

Magical Effects

It is NON=MAGICAL and therefore simply  

Weight Effects

No change in weight from normal.  

Armor Effects

Indurated Steel Armor gives +1 to the base AC of any armor item forged from it.  

Weapon Effects

Indurated Steel Weaponry has an additional +1 in damage (ONLY) to the base damage versus small, man sized and giant sized targets, to reflect the sheer keenness of the weaponry and the hardness of the resulting weapon-head.  

Price Effect

Price of Indurated Steel Items is 100 times the normal price for the item.


Material Characteristics

Irudated Steel can hold an edge and shape much more easily than standard steel and is highly flexible - allowing it to withstand more force and penetrate further. It is possible to sharpen it to near the level of a Vorpal Blade - and it is a component in the making of that weapon type.

Origin & Source

Hephaestus forged this metal as a method of cutting into the very earth itself. It is said that the original tiller was capable of cleaving stone itself. Hephaestus needed to forge a metal capable of withstanding the forces of put on them by the Bronze Bulls pulling the tiller.
The Irudated Steel varies in color from a silver to a deep grey with a characteristic swirl in the metal. In the Atlantean version this 'swirl' is unique to each Smith, allowing experts to identify exactly who has forged each item..


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