K Poisons
Khargra toxin
This poison causes 3 - 18 (3d6) damage, the side effect of this poison is that it will dissolve any metal that it is applied to.
Kill kitten poison
Save vs poison or die, else victim is paralyzed for 1-6(1d6) days
Killer bee poison
Save vs. poison (at -2) or die
King cobra poison
Save vs. poison or take 1-6 (1d6) damage per round for 10 rounds (or until cured).
Save each round for half damage
A thick brown liquid, smells like roses.
Does 8 - 48 (4d12) damage, starts in 1 - 8 rounds, runs it's course in 1 - 4 turns. Save for no damage
A clear oily fluid.
Does 5 - 30 (5d6) damage, acts in 1 round, runs it's course in 1 - 10 rounds.
Save for half damage at -1
Krag poison
Save vs. poison (at -3) or turn to stone.
A save indicates that the victim is slowed for 2-12(2d6) rounds less their constitution bonus (Minimum of 1 round of slowness)
Odorless, colorless liquid.
Takes effect after 1 - 6 rounds, death follows one round thereafter. Save for no damage at -3, Failed save means death
Does 1-6 (1d6) damage per constitution point that the victim has. Save (-3) for half damage
LORE: Named after the Assassin thatinvented it, Kuurus
Kuyss poison
Causes leprosy, and until a CURE DISEASE is cast upon the victim.
Note that no other cure spells will work on that creature.