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Lambda Shield Symbols


  Purpose: Protection from some of the Effects of Death.

Upon death, individual heroes find themselves in the Lands of the Dead. All equipment is lost. However ancient lore allows for at least one potentially life-death saving item.


Poseidon in finding himself on the Continent of Atlantis first stood atop the World Peak, grasped an ancient shield that he found at his feet, and casually commented that such a perfect mountain should forever float above every wave, so that the power of his kingdom could be witnessed in all it's majesty. This proclamation had far-reaching implications, that even Poseidon did not foresee. Leaving the shield he had found, he wandered back down to the base of the peak started the construction of Atlantis.

He established his capital for his queen, Leito, and was soon informed that the peak he had stood upon was Mount Erebus - the multi-world mountain and that his comments had changed the balance of power, for which he would have to pay. He swiftly sought to level the mountain as it's stone was used for walls and towers, canals and temples. But the gleaming white facades still echoing the proclamation. And so Atlantis rose, with the proclamation still standing, but the mountain peak now gone. He created an illusion of it to forestall Zeus's and Hades Judgements for the accidental shift in power he had wrought.

The truth was that the mountain itself was not just physical but rather it penetrated to the Underworld into the Realm of Hades - and his proclamation had force in the Netherworld and Underworlds below.

And so the proclamation stands - whomsoever bears the mountain will never sink beneath the waves of the Lethe or Styx in death. They may swim back across should they wish to try - it may take their memories - but they can return.  

The Effects of a Lambda Shield

The symbol of the Lambda Sign was upon the shield atop the mountain, and it is said the symbol was a symbol of the Mountain itself. The shield was part of the proclamation - it therefore cannot be removed from the soul upon death and appears with them when they arrive in the Underworld.

Any shield with the Lambda Sign upon it will materialise with the Dead Soul on the banks of the Styx or Lethe. This shield can also act as a buoyancy aid and may (15% chance) prevent the individual from losing their memories.

Lambda- Bearing Shield
Item type
Raw materials & Components
Any shield of any type of material, and any size. The Lambda symbol must be etched on the front of the shield clearly in metal, runic form, gem, or moon dust.
The Runic form of the World Mountain - Lambda - is etched onto the shield.


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