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Marconian Demesne


  The Eagleborne manor, also known as Meregone Manor being a vill is both an agricultural and mining estate. It has tracts of arboreal forest lands, tracts of agricultural land, a rundown village whose inhabitants used to work the mines before being driven off, and a manor house where the lord lives.

  This Manor is mainly a wood, with several orchards, some gardens, and a series of small ponds. The ruins of the village indicate that it once had a working windmill, a bakery, a blacksmith and stables. The smelting of ore was never started - as the mine was plagued with problems ever since it opened. However, in all other elements the Manor was largely self-sufficient.

Size and Composition

  The Eagle Borne Manor is a huge demesne, originally portioned for a Company of Rangers Known as with 1250 acres per hex, and the total Hexes approximately 7.5 hexes. This is enough for several manors.Total Demesne Size: 9,266 acres. (37.5 square kilometres).

  Peasants work the lord's demesne from Telekosia Village for a total of two days a week.

  Overview This Manor is based in large part on the Ferrumary  On this manor the hex closest to the Druidic Circle on the other side of the road is designated as a glebe (an area for the express support of the local church).

Ipedemator Findings

    The Last Inquisition Post Ex Dominum Et Mortum (IPEDEM) of the Demesne, was undertaken by Sir Issac Donsater, some 12 years ago, Sir Dareforth the holder of the Knights Service in the area was of the Order of Roses, and the Ipedem Findings indicate:  

Tenure-ship/Tenancy Designate

Eques qui per loricam laminis terras suas deserviunt

In full the IPEDEM shows:
"The within demesne is parceled "Eques qui per loricam laminis terras suas deserviunt" (literally "A knight who serves his own lands by means of plate armour). As such only a Noble bearing Field or Full Plate may claim lordship over the lands in question. This ensures that the strategically important land parcels of the area can only be controlled by Middle to Upper Upper Class Nobles, as they are the only Warriors who have access to these types of highly specialised armor.

Legal Description

The Allotment apportioning part of the Eastern Sylvanik Forest, more or less being Demesne Sessilis Adjacent IX Ex Pavia. This demesne doth lie within the bounds of the Pavia Ferrumary and is subject to the Warden of the Ferrumaries and his agents for inspection and administration of mining rights.

Eques Knight's Fee Capacity Assessment

15 Knights of Armiger or Higher Status

Basis for assessment

  Following the standards of Atlantean Tenureship, I find that the land in question:

Has greater than 50% land of arboreal quality, four (4) additional revenue assets Lumbar (64%),Mining, Hunting, and Furrier/Fur Trapping, suitable for providing Knight's Fee for up to 2 knights per hex - giving a total of 15 knights of Armiger or higher level to be stationed in situ caput. (At the headquarters of the Demesne).

  He held of the king, in his demesne as per Eques qui per loricam laminis terras suas deserviunt the manor of Eagleborne, annual value c. 35,000 GP, for 1000 GP. paid to the king by the constable of Pavis Township at the start of Zuemon, each year and providing at his own expense for 15 days an Armiger to keep the castle in time of war.

The holdings present are hereby enumerated to be a 9,266 acre estate.

That acreage including:
Arable lands: 502
Meadow: 800
Enclosed pasture: 32
Arboreal land (Controlled by Druids) 2788
Manor house land: 15
Tofts (homesteads) of 1/2 acres each: 18
King's Way Border Land: (Bordering the Pavis - Sylvanik Kingsway Road) 16
Ponds and waterways 398
Rock Outcrops 498
Waste Land (common area and roads) 235
Mine 248
Mine Tailings /Dumping 192
Marsh Swamp 154
Thought to be under Other Control (including Humanoids and Bandits) 3212
Rock Face/Rock Fall Endangered 158

Existing Agreements and Tenancies

Only a single tenancy agreement is still in effect on the entire Demesne, due to the wild nature of the group they have been natural survivors in the situation and are going about their business as normal.

Furrier Agreement for Company of Weaselers

J. Magant et al. are hereby designated Furriers and Trappers on the Demesne, holding the title Weaseler Company or the Company of Weasels, and are required to pay 100 gp yearly on the 2nd day of Hermon, along with all but 20% of furs taken in that year. The Company shall, at its own expense, trap for the Demesne Lord for a period of 18 days exclusively, and shall provide all caught furs during that time. They shall also provide to the Demesne Lord a set of 1D10 Vers, 1D10 Minivers, 1D8 Civet, 1D4 Mink Furs, and 1D6 Ermine Furs of excellent quality at the time of payment, along with 2 sewn purses of Mink Fur.
Outpost / Base


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