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N Poisons

Naral Poison

Save vs. poison or take 6-36 (6d6) damage


Once introduced into the body, it takes effect for 1 - 4 rounds, this poison causes severe nitrogen narcosis (Similar effect to coming up from 300' underwater to the surface in 1 second). Save for half damage. Poison lasts until dispelled. Does 7 - 12 (1d6+6) damage per round and victim cannot move


Nettle Powder (aka Itching Powder)

A light brown powder
that causes extreme skin inflammation. The burning, itching & stinging can last up to 20 days. This causes -3 to hit and -2 to damage and armor class.  


An odorless colorless liquid.
Does 6 - 48 (6d8) damage, starts in 1 round, runs it's course in 1 turn. Save for half damage made at -4

Nightcrawler Poison

Save vs. poison or take 7-56 (7d8) damage and be paralyzed for 1D10 rounds.


Nightseeker Poison (aka Poorman's Torch)

Save vs. poison or take 3-12 (3d4) damage. Regardless of whether or not damage is taken, the victim gains 60' (18m) Infravision for 1D8 hours. If the individual already had Infravision, then it is extended in range by 10 - 60' (!D6X10) for the same length of time.


Ninthla poison

Anything under 12 hit dice must save or die, any that does save will fall into a catatonic state for 1-20(1d20) days. Anything 12 HD will be catatonic for 1D10 days, or save for no effect.


Nyosan butterfly poison

Save vs. poison or take 2-12 (2d6) damage



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