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Regula Magistri Boreas


  The Regula Magistri Boreas is the founding Rule of the Order of the North Wind. It outlines the rules of the order and the ranks and powers that each master is trained in.

Summary of Ranks and Powers

  Monk Character Powers Table   The full description of these powers and spell like powers is given in the source books cited in the table.
Level Rank Title Skill Gained
1 Novice
2 Initiate A
3 Brother C
4 Disciple H
5 Immaculate B
6 Junior Master I
7 Master G
8 Superior Master J
9 Journeyman Master R
10 Travel Master K
11 Master Wayfinder L
12 Road Master S
13 Aerial Master N
14 Cyclonic Master D
15 Hurricane Master P
16 Astral Master Q
17 Northern Grandmaster of the Compass W and X


For the Formation of the Order of the Borean Monks within the Aeolian Archipelago.

Document Structure


Regula Magistri

Chapter I | Purpose and Basis of Common Life - Focus on training and follow orders given. Ownership starts with the Order.

Chapter II | Prayer is Training and Travel - by training and traveling you are praying.
In the Pugna Clava (Fight Club) only train and then only in what is supposed to be learned.

Chapter III | Safeguarding Secrets - do not speak of the order or teach others. Keep a low profile.    

Chapter IV | The Care of Goods care for your gear and gear earned in battle is a gift from the Wind Lord - so you may keep it.

Chapter V | Asking Pardon and Forgiving Offenses - don't hold grudges

Chapter VI | Governance and Obedience follow orders of the superior

Chapter VII | The Ranks of the Noble Order of the Wind Lord of the North, Boreas - ranks allocated.

Chapter VIII | Observance of the Rule - signing of the rule to follow it.    

Decree, Religious
Signatories (Organizations)


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