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Tattoos of Power


To those outside the tribe, these appear to be simply forms of art. To those in the tribe - and who have witnessed their abilities - they are empowering items.

  The tribe bestows tattoos to the body of the barbarian - each bestows a single benefit - and the placement of the tattoo determines the benefit gained.

Tattoo Forms - the tattoos are actually forms of runes being carved into the body instead of into a building or items.

Rules for Tattoo Choice



The body has five appendages - so the spirit of the body can only withstand five powers.
There can only be five tattoos on the body total - if a mistake is made then the power of the tattoo can be distorted or reduced - so it is a sacred time when a tattoo ceremony takes place.


Sensory Tattoos


The senses are in pairs - two ears, two eyes, two nostrils, the mouth has two functions eating and speaking, the nose has two functions breathing and smelling. So the Barbarian must take two sensory tattoos.

The Tattoos can affect all functions of the body but, two functions to be improved must be sensory.

Sensory Tattoo Inking Components:

Each Tattoo is inked into the skin, and must contain within it the dust of a destroyed magical item of the appropriate type, and gem dust as an accompanying coloring component. Sensory tattoos are inked using Ruby Gems (500gp value or more) and the dust of any single miscellaneous magical item that affects the senses in some way (eg Drums of Panic, Crystal Ball), or 5 potions that affect the senses (eg 5 Potions of Treasure Finding (which alters one's ability to perceive the world).

Tattoo of the Owl

The Tattoo gives improved eyesight in the dark - infravision to 60' (18m).


Tattoo of the Fox

The Tattoo gives improved listening - the Barbarian gains Hear Noise as if a Rogue 1 level lower. (Ability point initially 10 points)


Tattoo of the Wolf

Poison Detection in 15' (5m) - ability to smell poison in the vicinity on weapons or in food and drink.

Resistance to poison (stronger metabolism) - apply Constitution HP bonus to Poison Saves.


Tattoo of the Horse

The Tattoo gives improved awareness of environment - surprised only on a 1 in D6.

Situational Tattoos


Our animal brothers and sisters show us the paths to life in the wilderness.

Situational Tattoo Inking Components:

  Each Situational Tattoo inked into the skin, must contain within it the dust of a destroyed magical item of any single miscellaneous magical item that alters skills in some way (eg Boots of Striding or Cloak of Elven Kind), or 5 potions that affect physical abilities(eg 5 Potions of Gaseous). Situational tattoos are inked using Emerald or Jacinth (Yellow) Gems (500gp value or more).

Tattoo of the Jaguar (First Tattoo)

Can Hide In Shadows like a Rogue of the same level (10 points allocated per level).

Tattoo of the Panther (Prerequisite Required)

NOTE: Must Acquire Jaguar Tattoo First - followed by Panther Tattoo which is a making of the Jaguar into a Black Jaguar - Panther.

Can Move Silently and Hide In Shadows as Rogue the same level. The number of points allocated per level rises to a total of 20 points (to be distributed as desired.)


Tattoo of the Seal

The Barbarian gains the ability to swim at a faster rate (twice normal speed) for twice the distance.


Defensive Tattoos



The skin is the armor of the body - it serves in defense - your tattoos add to this natural ability.

Defensive Tattoo Inking Components:

Each Defensive Tattoo inked into the skin, must contain within it the dust of a destroyed magical piece of armor or protective device of any single miscellaneous magical item that adds to AC or dodging in some way (eg Boots of Speed or Cloak of Protection), or 5 potions that affect AC (eg 5 Potions of Gaseous). Situational tattoos are inked using Sapphire Gems (500gp value or more).

Tattoo of the Turtle (Scorpion)

+1 to AC - this is most commonly placed on the left arm as it acts exactly like a shield - allowing the user to block weapons and missiles with their arm as if a large o shield were in place.   

Tattoo of the Helm 

+1 to AC. This has the bonus of also protecting the head as it it were a full helm.


Tattoo of the Cat

Can land on feet after a fall - same as a Monk 3 levels lower in level.

Tattoo of the Mongoose

Improved dodging reactions give an extra - 2 to AC.

Item type


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