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The Borean Order


The Boreans are the Lawful Good Monastic Order of the Wind-Lord Boreas.They are based on the large island of Salina (formally Didymos - the Twin Peaked Island) in the Aeolian Archipelago.

Order Objectives and Pursuits

  It is dedicated to travel. The monks actively follow the Wind Lord wherever he blows. They therefore train to allow themselves to travel anywhere - including the Astral Plane, with the goal of spreading the further 'travel of civilisation' as they put the expansion of roads and trade.

Known Activities

  To facilitate this they train extensively as caravan and trade bodyguards, mastering methods of dealing with multiple opponent's single-handedly, and also act as guides for travelers into the border lands of civilisation. They actively seek to maintain the safe passage of all travelers of the roads and passes, often setting up posts at bridges and crossings to aid fellow travelers. A simple boatman ferrying across travelers may be a Borean Master who has set up in the area to allow trade and travel to continue.

Symbols and Signs

The Boreans use a conch shell as their symbol - this is the item most commonly represented with the Wind Lord himself. They will all have a conch shell tattoo somewhere on their body as a sign of their initiation. The length of the Siphonal Canal (The long piece at the base of the Conch often used as the mouth piece of a Conch Horn.) indicates the level of the Monk in the order - each new level adds another piece to the tattoo.

Their Conch shell tattoo also allows them to enter into any Atlantean town or city free of charge or inquiry.

Transorganisational Symbol

    Some of the activities of the Boreans include interaction with Atlantean Forces - especially with regards to security on roads - and Borean Monks have extensive travel permissions as a part of their Order's privileges in the Kingdoms of Atlantis. They have a triple air symbol that is sometimes carried and displayed in their monasteries and waypoints for travelers as a sign of their standing. One Spiral is for the Boreans themselves, the second is for their brother order the Zephyrs and the last spiral is for the kingdom they are within at the time - normally Atlantis or the Kingdom of Kharazad. Sometimes they set up in the deserts and the third spiral becomes a symbol for water.

Rule of the Monastic Order

The Rule that establishes the Monastic Order of Boreas is the Regula Magistri Boreas - the Master Rule. This is the most important of documents in the order and every monk must make a copy to carry with them. The original is hidden away in an area sacred to Boreas. It is the background document for the whole order and must be consulted on a regular basis - as such the monk powers and level titles of the order are contained in that document.


Each monk is allocated duties according to his or her ability rather than seniority. The training ensures that all monks are pre-trained in each area of the community that they are about to serve.


Strict but humorous the monks are friendly and only require that their schedules and habits be respected but not necessarily followed by all.

Public Agenda

To open up the world to travel and all it's wonders.


The Monastery has an extensive network of Conch shell teleportation devices that allows them to travel anywhere in the Kingdoms with great speed, but they do not use them much - they consider the journey to be more important than the destination.

Ubi Ictus Boreas (Where blows Boreas)

Conch Shell Tattoo
Founding Date
23 CY
Religious, Monastic Order
Alternative Names
The Windblown Order of the North, The Aeolian Order of Boreas, The Northern Order
Training Level
The Wandering Monks


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