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V Poisons


A neurotoxin that effects the pulmonary muscles.
It causes the heart to beat at a very irregular rate. The beat will be 1-100 (1d100) per round. Victim will take 30 - constitution per round. Toxin lasts 1-6 (1d6) rounds


This is a thick black syrup.
To avoid detection, single drops are added to gravy or dark sauces, but the effects increase with each dose (drop) ingested.

Varrakas has a slightly oily taste, but no strong flavor.
Every drop of Varrakas does 1-4 (1d4) damage when it enters into the bloodstream (It bypasses the digestive system by masquerading as a nutrient). It lies dormant for a period of 18-24 (1d8+17) rounds after ingestion.
Varrakas is only an ingestive poison. It is effective in ALL mammals.


Vedya Pale

pure liquid or powder, smells like raisins.
Does 10 - 100 (10d10), starts in 1 - 6 turns, runs it's course over a period of 1- 6 days (assess appropriate points of damage each day, dividing total into one hour increments).
  Agonizing very slow death. No saving throw.


Velvet slime mold poison

Save vs. poison or take 2-8 (2d4) damage



Clear oily liquid.
Does 6-36 (6d6) damage, starts in 3-7 (1d4+3) rounds, runs it's course in 1 turn.
This actually reduces the creatures intelligence by one point per six points of damage taken. THIS LOSS IN PERMANENT. A restoration is required to recover the lost points. Save indicates half damage.



The effect of this poison would only effect spell casters, as it's effects on the vocal cords are the same as if the victim had inhaled helium (No vocal components can be used while poison is in effect). Lasts 24 hours.


Voloe poison

Does 1-3(1d3) to 4-12(4d3) damage and blinds the victim, save for no blindness


Vord poison

Save vs. poison or be paralyzed until cured. A save indicates the recipient creature has a muscular slowdown, the creature will suffer from a SLOW spell until it/they receive a NEUTRALIZE POISON spell.



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