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Wind Gods


The master and ruler of all the winds is Aeolus,(Αἴολος), he is the king of the floating (and therefore moving) Islands of Aeolia, (Virg. Aen. i. 52,). He is said to rule the isles from Lipari. According to Hesiod, the Positive Wind Lords are the sons of Astraeus and Eos. The Destructive Wind Gods, such as Typhon, are said to be the sons of Typhoeus.

Temple and Function

In Atlantis, the Horologium (ὡρολόγιον) of Andronicus Cyrrhestes, is an octagonal tower of which represents the eight principal winds in a flying attitude. A moveable Triton in the centre of the cupola points with his staff to the wind blowing at the time.

All eight figures of the winds have wings at their shoulders, all are clothed, and each holds symbols of their power. (Hirt, Mythol. Bilderb. p. 140, ). It therefore stands act as a giant wind gauge for all captains of vessels coming and going from the port. It is locally known as the Tower of Winds - and stands ready to assist captains in determining the current wind direction in the area.

On the road crossing between the small towns of Titane and Sicyon there is an altar of the winds, upon which a single priest offers a sacrifice to the winds once in a year. (Paus. ii. 12. § 1.)

Black lambs are offered as sacrifices at the Tower of the Winds to the destructive winds, and white ones are offered to the favorable or good winds. (Aristoph. Ran. 845; Virg. Aen. iii. 117.)


Wind Lords - the Anemoi

  The Anemoi (Greek: Ἄνεμοι, "Winds") are the positive, beneficial winds of trade and sea breezes.

  The first two Wind Lords that benefit the world are Boreas and Zephyrus, and they are honored together by Homer in his writings.

1. Boreas or Aparctias (LG) (Βορέας, Boréas)

Boreas is the north wind and brings the cold winter air. Boreas has a temple on the river Ilissus in Attica Province. (Herod. vii. 189; comp. Paus. viii. 27. § 9) Boreas is another deity with an association with horses. He fathered twelve colts with the mares of Erichthonius, that run naturally as if they have Horseshoes of Zephyr despite not having any on their feet. Pliny the Elder (Natural History iv.35 and viii.67) Boreas is said to dwell in Thrace, and fathered three High Priests of Apollo by Chione.


11. Zephyrus (LG) (Ζέφυρος)

He is the west wind, and brings the light spring and early-summer breezes to the Continent. His Cave-Palace is said to be in Thrace, near to that of his brother Boreas. Zephyrus also has an altar on the sacred road to Eleusis. (i. 37. § 1.) The gentlest of the winds, Zephyrus is known as the fructifying wind, the messenger of spring.

Zephyrus is the husband of Iris, goddess of the rainbow. Like his brother, he has had famous horses as his children, including Balius and Xanthus, the steeds of Achilles.

In addition, according to the Sage-Philosopher Aristotle the last of the two Anemoi are:

6.Eurus (εὖρος) (LN)

  Eutus/Eurus is the wind-lord of the east wind and is associated with the autumn season. According to Hesiod (Theog. 378,, 869), Eurus is referred to as Argestes. He is the wielder of a wind of storm intensity, and creates turbulence and storms that strike ships on the sea in an effort to return the ocean to its normal uniform blue state. (As such some Captains use blue sails to 'hide from the Lord of the Sea-Broom Breeze'. He is said to dwell for part of the year in the Palace of Helios.

8. Notus (Νότος, Nótos) (LE)

The Wind-Lord of the south is the only 'beneficial' wind-lord to be Evil. Notus brings the later summer hot winds and autumn storms.He is still associated with a hot desiccating wind which he unleashes in honor of the rise of the star Sirius after midsummer. The storms of late summer and autumn are said to be his rages of power against the chaotic and rampant growth which occurs in an disorderly fashion. As such he is feared as a destroyer of crops, and many crops are created in a geometric organised fashion in honor of the orderliness he seeks.

The Minor Anemoi

The other four Anemoi are considered Minor Anemoi compared to their Four more famous brothers.

4. Kaikias (Caecias)(καικίας) (LG)

Kaikias is the northeast wind lord. He is the bringer of hailstones - said to be created by his burnished shield at will. The hailstones are said to be issued to destroy grape harvests in his efforts to control the revelries of Dionysian followers and the creation of wine. He is often not allowed to continue his destruction as Wine is also considered an acceptable sacrifice by all the Gods.

5. Apeliotes (ἀπηλιώτης) (LG)

  Apeliotes is the wind of the rising sun, and controls the southeast wind. He is often seen as one of the friendlist of the wind-lords and is frequently known to actually wander the rural roads of Atlantea Planetia, he wears high boots, carries fruit, and is clothed in light cloth. He also conceals flowers or grain among the fruit that he is carrying and is known to offer this to travelers and farmers he encounters in exchange for a cooked meal. He is clean-shaven, with curly hair and very friendly. He brings with him refreshing rains, which are particularly beneficial to farmers.

7. Phoenicians (φοινικίας)(LN)

Phoenicians is the wind of all sounds - originally this was simply a name for where he came from, but it is now taken by him as his objective, to gather all sounds to himself in some way. Not only is it a wind that will snatch all sounds from the voices of those who raise them against him, but also a wind that will listen and repeat the sounds of those it encounters.

10. Lips (Libs) (λίψ) (LN)

The Libs or Lips is the Greek southwestern wind, and is often showing holding on the stern of a ship in recognition of his love of sailing ships. He is a wind lord who seeks to aid others achieve their planned outcomes - and in this way create order in the world through the completion of planned journeys.He is ambivalent as to the good or evil of the sought after goal - what matters is the planning and following of that plan.

12. Sciron (σκίρων)(aka Argestes (ἀργέστης) Olympias (ὀλυμπίας), and Iapyx ( )(LN)

The wind lord Scrion controls the weather of (Skirophorion), the last of the Springtime months. He is sometimes encountered with a full beard carrying a cauldron. His role is said to prepare the land for the onset of Winter. As such he is ambivalent to the needs of the world - but does his mission for the season. He presides over the Olympian area during a critical month of worship, and so is permitted to use the Olympian name at those times. He is a highly adaptable Wind-Lord and his names recognise this.

The Evil Anemoi

The evil Anemoi are those winds that are linked to Typhon - the destroyer. They dwell with Notos upon the Aeolian Isle of Stromboli.

2.Thrascias(Θρᾳσκίας)(aka Thracias) (LE)

The wind lord of the north-northwest. Despite his similar nature to Boreas, he seeks to enforce the laws of the coldest winds upon the world when given a chance. He is also known as Thracias as he is tied to the Thracan area just like his two elder brothers Boreas and Zephyrus.

3. Messes (μέσης)(LE)

The Polar Rise is the wind from the North-Northeast. Most wind-lords surrounding Boreas tend towards Evil - seeking to enforce their own order on the world. Messes seeks to bring the Polar cold to the whole world.

9. Leuconotos (leukónότος)(LE)

Leukonotos is the 'Bright waters' of the south west, and is noted for his "sky-clearing" wind, in which he seeks to clear the sky of all chaos and those who should not be aloft, so it is a dangerous wind to encounter when one is on a flying mount.


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