Y Poisons
Yaanth poison
Save vs. poison or be paralyzed forever (It never wears off!)
A white liquid or powder, smells like cherries.
Does 4 - 32 (4d8) damage, Starts in 1 - 8 rounds after contact, runs it's course in 1 - 4 turns. Save for no damage at +2
Yellow peril poison
Save vs. poison or take 7-42 (7d6) to 12-72 (12d6) damage
Yellow peril toxin
Does 4-16(4d4) to 7-28(7d4) damage, save for no damage. Anyone who has been damaged by this toxin will retain a yellowish tint in their skin until a RESTORATION spell is cast upon them
Yellow urchin poison
Save vs. poison or be paralyzed for 1 - 6 days
Yellowback mushroom poison
When this mushroom powder is consumed, it dissolves into a chemical that causes an chemically induced "Power Word, STUN"
Yellowbog poison
When this poison comes into contact with the air, it oxidizes instantly, creating a cloud (10 - 60 feet in diameter).
All in the cloud taking 3-18(3d6) damage per round (Save for half damage)