Bjorna Blackblade


Store keeper at Worker's Rest, Bjorna is a hard working individual who especially cares for those who help her.  

Hunting Were-Rats and Her Cure

Back in 796, Bjorna was hunting alongside members of the Mercenary Group Blades of the Fearless. Her and numerous members were assigned on a job to clear a party of rats. These weren't rats, it was a large syndicate of Were-Rats. Her fellow members fled when the skirmish was turning sour, however Bjorna stood her ground. Near the end of the fight, she took a large gash to her arm, caused by the teeth of one of the shapeshifters.   Following the bloody skirmish, her arm started to mortally hurt and throb, puss started to seep, causing unbearable pain. Bjorna was close to lopping her arm off, the pain was so much, but she dug deep and resisted, eventually seeking refuge in a nearby Chapel of Ethradil, where a healer Athelfirth created a herbal remedy that soothed her pain. Through meditation and dedication to the Feon, Ethradil, her ailments passed.   Following this near miss, she left her mercenary group and travelled to Lockfate Holm, where she and her brother made the south of the island their home.
Year of Birth
Current Residence
Worker's Rest
Other Affiliations


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