Xander's Eye


Xander's Eye is an organisation of mages and antiquitists dedicated to unravelling the mysteries of the arcane and safeguarding the realms from the perilous influence of supernatural forces. Founded by the mysterious Xander Magnus, this group operates at the intersection of magic and history, seeking out ancient artifacts, deciphering forgotten lore, and addressing magical anomalies that pose a threat to the fabric of reality.   The organisation's headquarters, known as the Oculus Sanctum, is a towering structure nestled in a remote and mystical plane of existence, only accessible by its members. It is rumoured to be both a repository of knowledge and a haven for those gifted in the arcane arts. The symbol of Xander's Eye, an intricate eye-shaped amulet, is worn by its members as a mark of their affiliation.
Guild, Mages


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