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The trove lord, the avaricious, master of greed, Wyrm of Avarice

    The master of coin to King Brûlin, the legend of Bäez and the acknowledgement of him as a deity is more of a cautionary tale than a coronation of his greatness. Naturally ambitious in his own regard, King Brûlin was heavily influenced during his reign by the insatiable greed of Bäez. Having a like-minded voice in his ear at all times only made Brûlin's greed and his desire to press on grow.   Bäez was not necessarily evil, per se, but his desires and his actions were of a self-serving nature. He was consumed by greed, never satisfied, always looking ahead to the next great conquest. He used his relationship with the king to further his ambitions, and made sure to regularly paint a picture of what life could look like with more of everything. The downfall of the dwarves could be largely attributed to Bäez, and when Brûlin made the decision to leave the mountain, Bäez was strongly opposed. He pleaded and begged the King to stay, to fight back the monsters that were threatening them. Brûlin, however, finally saw reason and cast Bäez aside. He was angered by this, and disappeared one night, and was never seen again. It is believed he went out into the underdark to gather as much mithril as he could before everybody was overrun. Others say he fell victim to a monster attack. Whatever the outcome, tales of his tremendous greed came to be used as a point of teaching and wisdom for those that followed.    Bäez's exact date of death is unknown.  As Dorûn's Gate was completed and sealed in 1452, it is officially recognized as his estimated year of death. If he remained inside the mountain at that time, that is where he perished. 
Date of Birth
16 Qua
Date of Death
1212 AD 1452 AD 240 years old
Light blue, squinty
Light gray, greasy


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