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The Mistress of Secrets - Lesser Deity

  A hushed whisper shared in the corner of a dimly lit tavern. A political emissary speaking in confidence with a trusted advisor in the privacy of a study. An innocent young girl bearing the burden of a secret too great to keep from a dear friend. The Mistress of Secrets wears many different masks, and assumes the identity of the most sensitive pieces of information we hold on to.   In another sense entirely, the Mistress of Secrets also represents the unknown. She embodies the trepidation and fear that comes with the unknown, the hesitation we all face with the hard decisions we must make when we don't have the luxury of absolute omniscience. As with many of the gods and goddesses, it is easier for beings to understand the supernatural when they associate them with a physical, tangible form. Thus, a cloaked woman with dark hair and even darker features was contrived: Enendel.   Worship of Enendel is varied. Some pray to her as a means to ease the fears and the uncertainty associated with the unknown. She can put a troubled mind at ease and bring a certain sense of peace.    There are those, however, that seek to pervert the worship of Enendel. They seek to make everybody else's business their own, and to acquire so much knowledge so as to manipulate others and bend them to their will. Politicians and those in power employ spies and "whisperers", with the sole purpose of acquiring the knowledge and goings-on of others. Their worship of Enendel is absolute, for their success relies on her blessing. 


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