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God of Victory - Greater Deity

  Ironas is the steadfast god of honor and victory in war. When soldiers march to battle, his voice is the thunder of boots on the ground, and the cocaphony of blade striking shield. Soldiers, mercenaries, athletes, and adventurers alike all pray for Ironas's favor in securing victory. Common folk pray to Ironas for courage and fortitude in times of struggle, for his is the battle nobly fought and won.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Ironas is commonly symbolized in quickhand by a hastily scawled letter 'M', roughly tracing the shape of his famed laurel-adorned helmet. More involved symbols show the full helmet with the laurel wreaths protruding upward and downward on each side of the helm. 
A symbol of the god, Ironas, visualized as a constellation.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Ironas sees existence as a series of glorious battles to be won by both him and his followers. War is a testing ground from which only the bravest and strongest emerge. Between battles, there are feats of endurance and physical prowess to perform. Ironas exhorts his followers to hone their minds and bodies as they would their blades. He is certain that to slacken his vigilance and grow lazy would guarantee his demise at the edge of his brother's blood-soaked axe. Ironas pushes his followers to be ready at all times to meet conflict head on. 

Personality Characteristics


Bold and confident with a soldier's demeanor, Ironas is the pinnacle of martial pride and bearing. Those who honorably shed blood in his name can count on his support. Cowards and oathbreakers are to be despised, and traitors never deserve mercy in battle.


Religious Views

WORSHIPING IRONAS - Ironas is not interested in elaborate verbiage, rather in great deeds. The faithful of Ironas show their piety by comporting themselves well in contests of athleticism or skill. Swearing an oath to win a battle in Ironas's name and failing to do so is a great shame upon a warrior, thus such a promise never uttered lightly, or without certainty. 


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