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Lord of The Twin Forges - Greater Deity

  Karlüs is the Dwarven Lord of the Forge, a revered battlemaster and expert smith.  He is one of the great original forgelords that operated the legendary Twin Forges in the ancient city of Dorûnde. Legend of Karlüs has grown to almost astronomical proportions over the generations, with some saying that he was a shape shifter, who assumed the identity of orc generals in order to infiltrate enemy positions during the many conflicts between the dwarves and the orcs in the first age. Others claim Karlüs fought a thousand orcs in the field of battle by himself, and suffered only a single scratch across his cheek. While tales of his legend have multiplied over time, his greatness as a mortal cannot be denied. Alma deemed it appropriate to grant Karlüs entry to the divine realm, where he could sit in a position of eternal oversight. While Karlüs was primarily idolized by only dwarves originally, any who claim a love of the forge or a proclivity to the battlefield pay homage and devotion to the greatest dwarf to have ever wielded a hammer, as well as an axe. 


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