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The resident butcher of Kerlock's Meat Market in Merciwyne - Information, Kerlock is a simple half-orc/goblin. He garners strange looks from his customers and doesn't say much, but his product offerings are top notch and will make your mouth water. People travel far and wide to visit Merciwyne for a host of reasons, and many make sure to stop at Kerlock's shoppe during their stay.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Kerlock is very muscular, unsurprising though, considering his orcish blood. He wears rough, ragged leather breeches with no shirt, and leather suspenders that boldly show off his chiseled physique. At any given point in time, Kerlock may be partially or completely covered in blood, assumedly from his tireless butchering. 

Body Features

He has an extremely defined abdomen, chest, shoulders, and arms, hinting that he can easily handle himself in a fight. There is next to no fat visible on Kerlock's body. 

Facial Features

As if born this way, Kerlock's expression is almost permanently twisted into a downward glare. His forehead and brow wrinkles seem permanently etched into his face. 

Specialized Equipment

The only specialized equipment Kerlock keeps close to him is his butchering knife; it hangs from a loop on his trousers when he is not using it. The blade is razor sharp and very obviously cared for and tended to regularly. 

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

LIKES:  Butchering. Selling meat. Making coin.    DISLIKES:  Talking. 
Current Location
Unknown - Middle Aged
Date of Birth
Male Half-Orc/Goblin
Green, bloodshot
Graying, greasy
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light green/gray, rough and cracking
Ruled Locations


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