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Goddess of Love, Lust and Fertility - Intermediate Deity

  The goddess of love, lust and fertility is the revered mother of womanhood. Ladies the world over pray to Lyrisse for their own personal vanity, but also for the hopes that she will bless them with a hospitable womb with which to bear children. It is rumored that Lyrisse was at one time a mortal figure, but her physical form is merely a mirage, a mystery, the mental personification of one's own definition of perfect beauty.   The colors gold and royal blue have come to be associated with Lyrisse; simple totems adorned in jewels and garnishments of this color palette often signify a holy marker to the goddess. Simple prayers and offerings in peaceful, remote areas of the wilderness are commonly used to elicit the blessing of Lyrisse, while other, more perverse forms of worship, have become commonplace for women either struggling to bear children or seeking love. Some of the worship methods border on ritualistic, with animal sacrifice being commonplace, as well as odd incantations and chants being uttered, candles being arranged in runic patterns, and other less than holy practices that border on demonic. It is uncertain whether Lyrisse looks favorably on these less than savory acts of devotion, as some people swear by their effectiveness. Others claim it is the natural order of things that cause events to fall into place as they do. Whatever the case may be, tens of hundreds of thousands of people find some greater mystery or power to Lyrisse, and show her devotion regularly.


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