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The God of Nightmares, Invader of Dreams, Infiltrator of Sleep, Nuisance of the Night - Intermediate Deity

    The scourge of the weary, Maele is the bringer of tormented slumber. Rest does not come easy, or at all, to those incensed by Maele's ire. He has been known to collude with the trickster, Sielik; what starts out as a pleasant dream and the prospect of a night of respite quickly turns into a hellish dreamscape of terror. It is said that he will walk on the chest of a dreamer, tightening the breathing, thusly causing the brain to operate in a panicked state, creating nightmares.   Maele is worshipped by those wishing the most heinous of mental anguish on their intended victim. Urban legends depict the bringer of bad dreams as a beast with curled horns and a sinister smile, piercing red eyes, moss-covered horn-shoulders, and claws sharp as blades. He is thought to lurk in the deep woods and follow unsuspecting travelers home, where he lies in wait until they begin their slumber. He then levitates and presses his weight firmly enough on the chest, and vaporizes into a thin mist, entering through the ear, where he infects the brain.   Others tell tales of the beast of nightmares as a scarab who will crawl in the victims ear at nighttime and lay eggs. The eggs will hatch and crawl into the brain and take up residence, where the brain will become infected over time and eventually rot. The victim will go mad and end up killing themselves.


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