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Pinmo Stoutrabbit

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Pinmo grew up in a close-knit village full of fun-loving people, who were generally peaceful. When he was a boy, his village was raided by bandits and he was forced to hide in a root cellar. During the attack, his brother was killed when trying to defend his family from the raiders. Even as a young boy, Pinmo recognized and cherished his brother's bravery; he vowed to never let anyone considered "weak" be bullied or come to harm.    Early success as an adventurer had led Pinmo to be overly confident and boastful. However, his stories are greatly exaggerated, and he does not have the experience or perspective to realize that he was not in any real danger at the time of his adventures. 

Mental Trauma

The day his brother was killed during an attack on his village left lasting mental scars. 

Personality Characteristics


Pinmo is fiercely protective of his home village and any village that reminds him of home, or shares similar characteristics. 

Virtues & Personality perks

Whether a good trait or bad trait, Pinmo will never let anyone he sees as weaker than him (which is a fair number of people, due to his great overconfidence), come to harm. He greatly values the ideology of self-sacrifice. 

Vices & Personality flaws

He is boastful of his own stories, but is also exaggerant of the tales of his friends. His general boastful nature is one of his greatest flaws.    He also has a hard time letting weaker individuals suffer, and will insist on putting himself in harm's way to protect them, often times at his own expense. He considers himself most able to handle trauma.
Neutral Good
Date of Birth
7 Timorah
Year of Birth
2119 AD 23 Years old
Male halfling
Fire orange-red, just above shoulder length and unkempt, with an equally full beard
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair, shoulder, arm and some chest tattoos
65lbs, low body fat percent, muscular
Known Languages
Common, Gnome, Goblin


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