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God of Travel and Expedition - Intermediate Deity

  A lowly messenger in the 2nd Age, Pyriel spent his life dedicated to his physical fitness and his knowledge of geography. His mornings were spent doing calisthenics, while the rest of the day was spent in service to a noble lord as a courier. Couriers were much more common in previous ages before mages and spellcasters were employed with spells to accomplish the same feat. As Pyriel ventured out on each journey, he made mental notes of each route he took and the geographic landmarks and features, and would stop to chart his course when he could. He had a photographic memory, and could recall minutiae from years prior at the drop of a hat. He became so familiar with the routes that he began playing games with himself; seeing how quickly he could reach his destination. But because he was nothing more than the courier of a mid-level noble of a small fishing village, his talents never became fully recognized other than receiving a few extra silver for a job well done and in a timely manner. Pyriel didn't mind, though, a life of simplicity suited him.   One particular job had Pyriel traveling from his coastal fishing village of Lockesmyrr (the western coast of Brunïr's Bay) west to a now-defunct keep along the Black Coast Bluffs. On his return journey, as he was approaching Blackmarch Keep, Pyriel spotted an invading army on the road east. They flew the flag and colors of an enemy nation to the south - he knew this from overhearing the conversations of his lord noble, conversations typically of the nature of preparing for a battle. The army was that of the Baliklans, a heinous assortment of barbarian tribes and sellswords from the Southern-most reaches of Hasdall. Their sole purpose was conquest, and their methods were less than unsavory. To see that they'd made it this far north surely meant they were headed east to the larger cities near the sea; Lockesmyrr was just one more obstacle in their path. The Baliklan army was several thousand strong, a force that could immobilize Lockesmyrr if caught off guard. While only a medium-sized fishing based community, Lockesmyrr did have a formidable local militia and adequate defenses. The city was in the process of absorbing refugees from a nearby town, and had plans to expand and grow. But they were not yet advanced enough to deal with the threat of a looming army that was now marching due east towards their village, not on a moment's notice, that is.   Sensing that his homeland was in grave danger, legend states that Pyriel was filled with a tremendous rush of adrenaline. His veins pulsed with urgency and he took off sprinting faster than he ever had in his life, faster than he even dreamed possible. He ran and he ran, past the small farming hamlet of Closswyr. Onlookers were stunned; the straw roofs on some of their huts blew clean off, wagons tipped over, livestock sent flying from the torrid gust of his passing. Leaves and branches were separated from trees as Pyriel continued through the countryside, coming ever closer to Lockesmyrr. When he finally arrived in Lockesmyrr, he went straight to his lord noble's home. Gasping for air, and his skin a sickly tinge of a faint reddish blue, Pyriel was able to spit out one of the most important messages he had ever delivered. He stood there as his lord noble stared back at him, unsure what to make of the message. "Go! Tell the Duke! Mobilize the troops!" He socked his lord in the shoulder with a punch to snap him out of the trance seemed to be in, which sprung him to action. His lord noble darted out of the house, right as Pyriel began to feel light-headed. He stumbled around the house for a few seconds, and collapsed on the floor, dead on the spot.   Pyriel was able to warn his town of the incoming army, so quickly in fact, that they were able to stage and execute a perfect surprise attack on them where not one casualty was had. Pyriel's name was regaled, his bravery honored. Over the years, his legend only grew, to astronomical heights at that. People claim that Pyriel ran so fast across the countryside to deliver the message to his people that his soul ran right out of his body, and straight to the divine realm, where he resides for eternity as an overlord of travelers and adventurers.   To commemorate the great god Pyriel, the town of Lockesmyrr, the common day location of Baystead, holds The Great Pyriellian Races each year. The races are a test of personal speed; running, climbing, mud tobogganing, etc. The winner is given a financial recompense, as well as the honorary title of "Fastest Person in Hasdall", a fitting title for the god that many claim was the fastest man to ever live.
Date of Birth
1 Dedorah
Date of Death
32 Qua
1479 AD 1578 AD 99 years old
Circumstances of Death
Collapsed and fell over dead after a divine infusion of energy wore off
Place of Death
Lockesmyrr (presently Baystead)
Thin, black/gray
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Weathered, tan


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