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Patron Saint of Survival - Lesser Deity

  Semuanya was a dualistic, androgynous deity who was revered in line with the core aspect of lizardfolk life their people needed them to embody most: that of a hunter or breeder.   During times of strife and scarcity, sacrifices were offered to Semuanya in his masculine aspect as the Watcher, who prowled the primordial jungles looking for enemies, or the Survivor, who scavenged edibles and slew wild beasts for meat. Meanwhile, in times of peace and plenty, she was worshiped in her feminine aspect as the Breeder, who bore clutches of eggs and buried them in the ground to keep them warm and safe.   ACTIVITIES Semuanya's chief concern was the continued existence of their charges and their race as a whole. They sent no omens to their shamans and would rarely make an appearance through an avatar for anything less than a major crisis that threatened lizardfolk communities on a massive scale, such as in the event of climate change or a major invasion of hostile forces. The Survivor worked hand-in-hand with the natural world.   One activity that did take up Semuanya's time was judging fantastic competitions throughout the planes and presenting accolades to those who displayed great fitness. Notably, this did not strictly have to take the form of physical challenges, such as contests of raw strength, speed or agility. Impressive deimatic displays or even great knowledge of reptiles were considered praiseworthy to Semuanya.   AFTERLIFE Lizardfolk have a singular belief in the M'launi, an afterlife of eternal hunting and peaceful existance. They envision a realm of serene waters with simple yurts, and grasslands in which to hunt and make fires. They believe their deity physically exists in the M'launi, and flies across the sky as a massive world serpent.  
Semuyana appeared as a muscular, if oversized lizardman, ranging in height from 8 to 12 feet, wearing only a loincloth
8' to 12' tall


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