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Lord of outcasts, father of the gray dwarves, minister of the underdark

    The gray dwarves were a misunderstood bunch. Thought by almost all normal dwarves to be ruthless, bitter, coldhearted savages, they were nothing more than simple isolationists with a distrust of others. They were judged by the "surface dwarves", as they called them, the ones who lived closer to the topside. The gray dwarves called the underdark their home, and prayed to the god Ygdor to care for them. He was a gracious god, one who took pity on those cast aside by others. He granted the gray dwarves a certain blessing and connection with the underdark that the surface dwarves did not have. Ygdor allowed the gray dwarves to work undisturbed in the mines deep below, to interact with and harvest the various hazardous flora and fauna that grew within. He was their protector and their spiritual guide. 


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