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Death Lily

The Death Lily is a rare and enigmatic flower that sprouts from the location where a fey creature has met its demise. These blooms emerge overnight, their petals reflecting the circumstances of the fey creature's death, such as bright red petals indicative of a bloody demise or silvery metallic hues representing death by sword. Despite their striking appearance, Death Lilies are short-lived, typically blooming for only about a week before withering away.

Basic Information

Growth Rate & Stages

Since Death Lilies spring forth overnight upon the death of a fey creature, they bypass conventional growth stages typical of most plants. Instead, they manifest fully formed, with their petals unfolding to reveal their unique colors and shapes. The bloom of a Death Lily typically lasts for about a week before wilting and withering away, leaving behind only memories of its ephemeral beauty. Thus, their growth rate is rapid, but their existence is fleeting, a poignant reminder of the transient nature of life in the realm of fey.

Ecology and Habitats

Death Lilies are rare and mysterious flowers, defying conventional botanical classifications, emerging spontaneously at the site of a fey creature's demise with no native habitat on Terramora. Their elusive nature makes them impossible to cultivate, and their ecological role remains poorly understood. Some speculate that Death Lilies may play a role in recycling energy or spiritual essence, serving as conduits between the mortal realm and the ethereal plane. Further research is needed to unravel the mysteries surrounding these enigmatic flowers and their significance within Terramora's ecosystem.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Due to their association with death and the fey, Death Lilies hold significant symbolic meaning in various cultures across Terramora. In some societies, they are seen as omens of impending danger or harbingers of misfortune, while others view them as symbols of transition and renewal. Additionally, Death Lilies are sometimes collected for use in rituals or ceremonies honoring the departed or invoking protective spirits. However, caution is advised when handling Death Lilies, as their potent symbolism and connection to the fey realm can attract otherworldly entities or invoke unintended consequences.   When a Death Lily is discovered in the wild, it serves as a potent warning sign to seasoned adventurers and travelers. Its presence indicates the recent demise of a fey creature in the vicinity, urging caution and vigilance in exploring the surrounding area. Those who heed the warning of the Death Lily may avoid potential encounters with hostile fey or other dangers lurking in the shadows of Terramora's wilderness.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Death Lilies have no native habitat on Terramora, as they emerge spontaneously at the site of a fey creature's demise. Therefore, their geographic distribution is sporadic and unpredictable, appearing wherever fey creatures meet their end across the land. These elusive flowers defy cultivation, making their presence a rare and mysterious occurrence in the wild.
Scientific Name
1 week
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Death Lilies are characterized by their distinctive blooms, which vary in color and shape depending on the circumstances of the fey creature's death. Common colors include bright red, deep purple, and silvery metallic hues, with petals often exhibiting intricate patterns or textures. Despite their beauty, Death Lilies emit an eerie aura, serving as a haunting reminder of the transient nature of life.
Naming Convention: "Fey" denotes the connection to the fey realm and "Thûilum" meaning "death bloom."


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