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Khana (a.k.a. The Destroyer)

Khana is the Destroyer, the Bloodthirster, the Lady of War. Of all the deities of the Cartandyohana, Khana is the one who causes the most debate. For all of the Cartandyohana were once at least partly human. But was Khana? There are those sects who say she was not. Some claim she is a Demon Prince that Ranashi bound and not a human at all. Others say she is a true goddess, born of Terraneus, to drive off those that did not belong. Yet the most traditional of sects insist that Khana was born of human just as all the others, but whereas the others mastered their soul, Khana found a different path to ascension.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Khana is usually depicted with blue skin and several arms, similar to Mitravi. She holds a different weapon in each of her hands, always ready for battle. The number of arms she has varies depending on the version.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Khana's history is murky even for the People of Sun and River, for there are so many different versions of her origin. Of the human origin, it is said that she was born a daughter of the Prince of Scales and a human mother. Her father, though a slave to the Demon Gods, sought for her to be his executioner. However, her mother stole away with her and fled to Karios, where She Who Dreams of Darkness ruled. The Dreamer found Khana amusing and was more than happy to deprive the Demon Prince of his daughter.   Ranashi discovered her while she fought in the pits for the Demon God's amusement. He spoke to her and tried to teach her to achieve her divinity as he had, through meditation and self-reflection. For Khana, this was not her path. She heard the priest-king's words but she committed herself to battle, feeding the flame of her soul through blood and chaos as she all but bathed herself in the blood of her enemies. This was the path that Khana walked and in time, she had bathed in so much of her enemies' blood that just as They Who Dream Between Stars fed on the souls of their sacrifices, Khana's soul fed on that of her enemies.   When Nightfall began, Khana sided with the other Cartandyohana against the Demon Gods. With ten arms, each bearing weapons, she carved paths through the battlefields from the front line. She fought the champions of the Dark Gods and even battled the Demon Gods' avatars themselves, rending them apart with her many blades and her raw strength so that Ranashi could cast them down into slumber.   It is unknown what became of Khana after Nightfall. Some say that her physical body could not contain her spirit and so she was destroyed from all the blood she had spilled. Others say she went to the Mistlands, to fight in the Mist Wars.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Destroyer, Bloodthirster, the Lady of War
Black and disheveled
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Black, though portrayed as blue