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The Mistwalkers are feared by all nations throughout Terraneus. They dwell in the Mistlands to the east, a land inhospitable to humans without leaving them scarred and twisted. Mistwalkers command armies of Wyrdings, they steal the wills and souls of humans, and they are terrifyingly alien to the people of Terraneus. So say the stories. All Mistwalkers command powers akin yet different to that of the sorcerers of Terraneus, using it as naturally as humans breathe. Fortunately for the people of Terraneus, the Mistwalkers cannot survive without the Mists and the Wyrdwinds, and when the winds pass, they too must follow. Only in Wyrdholds can the Mistwalkers rule in Terraneus, though they are quite territorial and do not share these dominions or their Wyrding slaves freely, even with one another.   Their arrival is preceded by the Wyrdwinds and it is said that in the past, they would arrive en masse in the events known as the Storms. While one Mistwalker is a dangerous threat to even the strongest of humans or a small group of them, it has been nearly two centuries since they last led their hosts on the Wyrdwinds. Now incursions tend to be more isolated, with Mistwalkers traveling in secret as they follow the winds, gathering bands of Wyrdings to them as they move from Wyrdhold to Wyrdhold. Though most frequent in the East, bands of Wyrdings led by their Mistwalker masters can appear anywhere without warning, to lay waste to unsuspecting villages throughout Terraneus.

Basic Information


At a glance, the Mistwalkers look very similar to humans and may be mistaken as such if they are standing still. Their musculature and the way they move, however, appears at times to be disjointed and jerky and at other times almost inhumanly fluid. Very few people know just what they look like under their clothes, for they start to turn into mist upon their death, but soldiers have spread stories that they do indeed have bodies beneath their armor. The stories passed from such battles vary wildly, from hideously deformed like the worst of plague victims to beautiful glass-like skin that shatters when it transforms into the mists.