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Mitravi (a.k.a. The Burning Hand)

Mitravi is the child of Dawn and the Lord of the Sadhra, the martial and ruling caste of the People of Sun and River. He is depicted as a peerless warrior (or at least, the ideal warrior) who brings light to a dark world. He is the hero who fought and brought an end to Nightfall, defeating the armies of They Who Dream Between Stars.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Mitravi is often depicted as a dark skinned man with a tail and four arms. The Sun often appears behind him as well, as if it were part of his raiment.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Mitravi is said to have been born mortal before he gained the powers of the Dawn and led the armies of the People of Sun and River against the forces of shadow with his burned hand. Born during the Age of Blood and Shadow, Mitravi had lived during the age of the Demon Gods. At this time, there were no castes, but his mother was said to be the embodiment of the Dawn; his father a mortal king who served She Who Dreams of Darkness, the Dragon that Feasts Upon the Light, the Doom of Karios. Mitravi had been born with the Mark of the Dawn upon his brow, which angered the Doom of Karios who demanded the boy be brought to her to be devoured. While Mitravi's father had been unwilling, he had eventually relented and sent for his son to be sacrificed to She Who Dreams of Darkness.    They bound Mitravi upon the altar, set above a brazier to burn his soul from his flesh before the Dragon. Instead of dying, his soul consumed, however, his mother's gifts manifested in Mitravi. His mortal body was destroyed; his soul was immediately reincarnated in one that was indestructible. His right hand had been burned and was shriveled; he grew an extra pair of arms that could wield the flames. His eyes had been blinded; now they shone with the fury of the Dawn.   Mitravi lived, yet the Dragon that Feasts Upon the Light was furious. She would have destroyed the ascended demigod, were it not for Niasha, who had been observing from the shadows. The Nightwalker clad them in her Cloak of Night and when it dispelled, she and Mitravi were gone. Mitravi would become the greatest general of the Warriors of Light, leading the armies of bound demons and the mortal soldiers against the worshippers of They Who Dream Between Stars. When Nightfall had ended, Mitravi's closest followers and mortal friends became the ancestors of the Sadhra, and their spirits are reincarnated in the Sadhra to this day.


Those who seek to emulate Mitravi must remain firm against those beings that would afflict and taint ones soul, such as Demons, Mistwalkers, and the Undead. A Nitashi of Mitravi who is blessed with the Burned Hand must never consort with the Undead, Demons, or Mistwalkers, lest his soul be tainted.
Divine Classification
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Burned Hand, the Child of Dawn
Orange, fiery hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark Skin