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Niasha (a.k.a. The Nightwalker)

Niasha is the Nightwalker and the Mistress of the Secret Shadow. She is depicted as a pale-skinned woman, often with cat's eyes and dark hair, who covers her face with a veil. She was the first soul that Ranashi saved, claiming it through sorcery and returning it to her, thus learning the power of True Names over the slaves of the Demon Gods, the demons. Niasha served as his tool and spy during Nightfall, using her gift to go unseen among the Cults of the Dreamers. While most Kana are not allowed to interact with the Vash lest they risk making themselves impure, the Kana dedicated to Niasha are, for Niasha's Mercy protects their souls from being tainted by the Vash. After all, she was 'Vashi' herself at one point.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Niasha is often depicted as a pale skinned woman with cat-like eyes. She always has a veil above her head and is often depicted with the Blue Lady behind her.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

There is not much that is known about her, just as there is little that is truly known of the other Cartandyohana, but what is known is that she was not of the ruling class, the servants of They Who Dream Between Stars. Niasha had been a child of the streets, though all agree she must have been divine and simply not recognized as such at the time. She had had her soul taken from her by the priests of the Dark Gods, but unlike most she did not die. She continued on, listless and without much will or drive of her own. It was in this state she was found by Ranashi. The Dreamweaver had not discovered a person who had survived without their soul, for most were fed to the fires or the pets or the devouring maws of They Who Dream Between Stars. He rescued her from the streets of Karios, the Ancient City, and took her to his temple. She assisted him as a servant would her master, while he studied the matter of the soul.   Eventually, he discovered that while her soul had been taken, it could be recovered. The Soul Thief of Storms, who at that time had been a slave to one of the Dark Gods, had in fact not delivered the soul to his master, but had kept it for himself. The priests say this is because of the inherent divinity that had been contained within the mortal girl. Regardless of the demon's motive, Ranashi had been forced to negotiate with the demon From this, the Dreamweaver learned much that had before been unknown regarding sorcery and the binding of demons. He forced the Soul Thief of Storms to return the soul to Niasha, who once restored, now was divinity manifest.   She served Ranashi loyally as his assassin and spy, using the Cloak of Night to infiltrate and escape the cults of the Dreamers. She often was the one who saw the worst of the depravities that were demanded of the followers of They Who Dream Between Stars. She watched many people she grew close to sacrificed to the dark gods and was among the most devoted of those who fought against them.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Nightwalker, the Mistress of the Secret Shadow
Either dark or like that of a cat
Short dark hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale skin