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Ranashi (a.k.a. The Dreamweaver)

Ranashi is the Dreamweaver and the first Kani. According to the People of Sun and River, he is either the first sorcerer or the one who discovered the art of binding demons. He is considered the leader of the Cartandyohana as the wisest of their rank. He had been a priest of She Who Dreams of Darkness,, the Mage-King of Karios, the Ancient City, before he had begun to question the voice of his dark god. He abandoned his crown and his city to seek answers he could not find in her service. It was through this journey that he found a way to cast They Who Dream Between Stars into slumber and he who recognized the divinity in the souls of the Cartandyohana.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Ranashi is always portrayed with a mask over his face and with bluish-grey skin, usually associated with Undeath. He wears the robes of a Kani.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ranashi was the Mage-King of Karios, the Ancient City, in the days when it still stood. He had served as the high priest of She Who Dreams in Darkness, the Dragon that Feasts Upon the Light for most of his life, but as he grew older, his life extended by his patron, he began to wonder. Despite his best attempts to suppress his doubts, he found he could not and he fled from Karios, abdicating his position and going into the Jungles to hide. There, he came across a temple that lay abandoned and unused. He was alone with only his own thoughts, far from the whispers of the Demon God.     He spent many years, some say centuries, in solitude as he pondered his doubts and the actions he had done as King of Karios. At some point, overburden with guilt and unable to shut his mind's eye to the reflections of the atrocities he had committed, he blinded himself, staring into a flame long enough to burn out his eyes. Yet he still could see, his third eye open. He could see beyond the ken of mortals to the minds of the gods. He could see into the soul. Thus he began his research, blind as he was. It was slow at first, but when he stumbled upon Niasha as he traveled the streets of Karios, unrecognized as a blind old beggar, he saw in her the spark of divinity. Likewise, when Mitravi had been about to be sacrificed, or when Rani had been found among the beasts of the jungles, he could see the gods born mortal that would be able to bring about an end to the reign of They Who Dream Between Stars.   Ranashi is said to have learned sorcery or how to channel the Wyrdwinds or how to bind demons or all of that and more. What is known is that it was he who spread word to the sorcerers of the world to bind the slaves of the Demon Gods, the lesser demons and the Demon Princes, to the service of mortals. Thus, they turned the power of the Demon Gods own servants against them. Ranashi spent most of Nightfall teaching mortals what he had learned, his students becoming the Kana of the People of Sun and River.    There are some sects who claim that Ranashi had actually died at one point, but instead of being reincarnated, returned to his body. This is considered heretical by most of the People of Sun and River, for the Undeath are an abomination and to imply Ranashi is among their ranks is a cause for punishment.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Dreamweaver, the Seer Who Glimpsed Beyond
He was blind, so his eyes are never depicted
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale bluish skin