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Rani (a.k.a. Shapechanger)

Rani is the Beast Mistress, born in the jungle and raised by beasts. She is depicted in many different forms, usually identifiable in art thanks to the Hide of Rani, which is a marking that appears on depictions of her animal forms, regardless of what she takes. This is the symbol that is used to represent her as well. It looks like three feathers or a stylized claw, like a crest upon a bird.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Rani is depicted in many different forms and shapes, as she could take the appearance of beasts. When depicted in human form, she often has giant wings or is half-human, half-animal. She is frequently depicted in states of undress in art.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Rani was born in the deep Jungles, said in folklore to be the child of Karokali, though the Kana do not recognize this folk deity. Regardless of her parentage, Rani did not grow up in the city of Karios or any of the other cities ruled by the priests of the Dark Gods. Her parents had fled and she was born in the jungle, and it was there she was raised but not by her mortal parents. She was raised by the Queen of the Deep Jungle, a very large, and very intelligent jungle shadow that some say was a demon in feline shape or a jungle shadow that had been changed by the Mists and granted intelligence. Others say that the Queen of the Deep Jungle was a human soul that had reincarnated into this beast.    Rani was raised by the Queen of the Deep Jungle, who taught her how to take on the shape of any beast which she had killed and of whose blood she had drank. What she did not tell Rani, or perhaps what she did not know herself, was that by doing this, Rani was corrupting her own soul. Her soul was becoming a chimera, impure, and at war with herself. Rani continued to drive herself to gather more beasts' souls, as if that would replace the parts of her soul that had been lost.   Ranashi found her in the jungle when she was hunting near his temple. He recognized her divinity and what she was at risk of becoming. He took the feral girl in and taught her the ways of men. He taught her how to strengthen her own soul and avoid losing herself to the bestial natures and impulses as she changed her form. Rani became adept at using her powers and she returned to the Queen of the Deep Jungle, using the lessons Ranashi had taught her. There, she challenged the Queen of the Deep Jungle, demanding that if the jungle shadow lost to her, that the beasts of the rainforest would join Ranashi's forces and Mitravi's armies in their struggle against the Dark Gods. If Rani lost, then the Queen of the Deep Jungle could devour her and gain all the strength of her divine soul.   Rani did not lose.   The Queen of the Deep Jungle kept her word and even the beasts rose up against the Cultists of They Who Dream Between Stars.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Beast Mistress, Shapechanger
She is often portrayed with greenish-yellow eyes
Brown hair usually, though it is not uncommon for her to be portrayed with hair turning into feathers or patterned fur
Skin Tone/Pigmentation