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The Steel Wind and the Stormwatchers

Though technically two separate organizations, the Steel Wind and the Stormwatchers both derive their teachings from the semi-historical, semi-religious text The Records of Storms. The two groups mostly disagree over whether the Shield of Terraneus that is mentioned in that work to stop the Great Storm is the Empress and thus the Great Storm is the Last Storm, or if the Great Storm that was prophesized has yet to come and thus the Empress is not the Shield of Terraneus.

Mythology & Lore

The Steel Wind and the Stormwatchers both believe that The Record of Storms predicted a Great Storm that would threaten the destruction of the Wyrdtower. The Mistwalkers would lead their armies of Wyrdings over the face of Terraneus, to the World Pillar, and using their otherworldly powers, they would destroy the Wyrdtower and the Mists would no longer be held back and the Shield of Terraneus would fall.   However, there would arise a new Shield of Terraneus, who would push back the Mistwalkers and hold the Mists back, preventing the Cataclysm. According to the Steel Wind, this event refers to the end of the Age of Storms, when the Empress ascended the Wyrdtower and did whatever it was she did at its pinnacle that ended the Last Storm. Thus, she is the new Shield of Terraneus. The Stormwatchers say that the Empress is not the Shield of Terraneus, because the Wyrdtower had not been destroyed, and thus that was not the Great Storm.


The priesthood of the Stormwatchers are usually those who strongly believe that they understand the later half of the Record that most scholars write off as baseless nonsense. They often try to use The Record of Storms to predict the future and use their successes to gather followings. The Steel Wind is somewhat popular in the Empire as an Imperial Cult. While the Empress does not claim to be the Shield of Terraneus, there are few details known of her ascension and the Record provides a comforting narrative to fill the gaps.
Religious, Other

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