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It cannot be said that Wyrdings have a culture of their own, but they are outcasts throughout the Shimmering Sea, where they are most common. Though the Wyrdwinds blow in the Southlands (and there are few who know what lies north of the Iron Spine Mountains), they are more frequent in the Shimmering Sea than elsewhere, and where the Wyrdwinds blow, Wyrdings can be found.   Wyrdings are humans, but they are humans who have been changed permanently by the Wyrdwinds. Sometimes, these changes are obvious at a glance. Other times, the mutations might be internal or easy to hide. There are no two Wyrdings whose mutations are exactly the same. For those who cannot hide what they are, they are driven from society to survive on their own in the outskirts or wilds. Those who can conceal their mutations know that they must keep it secret, or they will be killed or driven out as well.   Communities of Wyrdings are often targets for raids and attacks, out of fear that they might become Wyrdholds, the bastions of the Mistwalkers, and the people made slaves of the Mistwalkers.


When a person is caught outside when the Wyrdwinds blow strongly across Terraneus, there is always a risk that they will become a Wyrding. The stronger the winds blow, the more likely a person is going to to be afflicted. It also happens to those who travel into the Mistlands without magical protection and preparations to ward themselves against the changing nature of that strange land.


There are too many different outcomes to list. All Wyrdings are different, even those who are afflicted with similar mutations.


There are very few cures for becoming a Wyrding. Certain Lotus concoctions made from very rare Lotus have been known to revert or at least change the affliction. Some demons possess the power to restore a Wyrding, though it often costs the soul of the person. It is said that the Demon Gods, They Who Dream Between Stars, also have the power to change the flesh and 'restore' their followers...or change them more.


There are charms that protect people who are exposed to the Mistlands or the Wyrdwinds from becoming Wyrdings, as well as Lotusmaster Concoctions. The best prevention, however, is to build a shelter when the Wyrdwinds are blowing strongly and to limit your exposure to them. Battles have been called because the Wyrdwinds have started to turn in their directions. Festivals postponed.


Wyrdings predate the arrival of the Mistwalkers, that much is clear from the record. There are mentions of the dangers of the Wyrdwinds in what little texts have survived from the Days of Blood and Shadow and their mutating effect on those who are caught in the strong winds. It is unclear just exactly how the ancient cultures treated the Wyrdings. In the early days of the Old Iron Empire, Wyrdings were figures of pity and deserving of compassion. Following the Age of Storms, however, a stigma against the Wyrdings had become universal. All cultures had been scarred by the armies of the Mistlands, Mistwalkers that commanded hordes of Wyrdings.   In the modern era, Wyrdings are typically killed or driven out. The Iron Empire will often isolate Wyrdings to determine if they can be of use to the empire or not, but even these "protected Wyrdings" are not permitted to live normal lives among humans. The People of Sun and River and the Cairnlanders, two cultures with very different views, are both extremely strict with their treatment of Wyrdings, as both believe that they have 'endangered' their soul by the exposure and change. Cairnlanders believe that the longer a body is afflicted, the more the soul will remember its form, and so Wyrdings are often executed so that their spirit may be free (and if deemed worthy, restored as an Honored Ancestor). The People of Sun and River believe that the soul has become impure and thus risks spreading its affliction to others.

Cultural Reception

Wyrdings are ostracized, both because they are obviously different but also because they are associated with the Mistwalkers. It is known that the Mistwalkers are able to command Wyrdings in a way that is not completely understood and not completely voluntary. Stories are told that Wyrdings draw the attention of the Mistwalkers, that they create Wyrdholds, that they will bring Storms, and that they have had their soul lost or tainted or warped.
Chronic, Acquired