Jippon Geographic Location in Terrania and Umbregia | World Anvil
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Jippon is a wondrous land; that has caught the imagination and attention of many Primrosens throughout history. The island is defined by its two distinguishing geographical anomalies; the isolation from the rest of the continent and its mineral rich backbone of dormant and active volcanoes.   Local lore posits that the land of Jippon rose from the sea, a gift from the goddess Umberlee, and it was here the first humanfolk entered our land. While this legend cannot be verified, its primordial birth did have a profound effect on our world. The island centers itself around a stretch of volcano’s; from the tip of its northern apex, down to the southern end at the port city of Satano. From these summits, vast veins of precious minerals have flowed since the dawn of civilization. The folk of Jippon have subsequently become masters of the metal; forging incredibly impressive tools, weapons and other objects. It is here that the continent of Terrania obtains most if not all of its Adamantine and Mithral. So rich is Jippon in these incredibly rare metals that their throne in Sakyoro is dubbed the Adamantine Throne (made of 100% pure Adamantine) housed in the Palace of Mithral. As a result, the folk of Jippon have been incredibly protective of their natural resources. Entities from across Terrania and Umbregia have long sought to find ways to access the deposits, through diplomatic, economic and even military means. All have failed as Jippon has risen to every threat, throughout its long history.   The current political climate of Jippon is fragmented and at odds with itself. A succession crisis two decades ago in the ruling house of Wanashibosa led the lands to splinter into various factions struggling for control of the Adamantine Throne (which sits empty). Seita of Umatsumi, Riho of Yorishino and Musawa of Torintsu are the three most powerful leaders; but a woven tapestry of complex alliances have kept any of the three from obtaining a stranglehold on the island.
Title: The Imperium of Jippon
Founded: 573 AC
Capital: Sakyoro
Included Organizations


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