Kethswan's Great Glory Military Conflict in Terrania and Umbregia | World Anvil
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Kethswan's Great Glory

This conflict in Varangia from 981 to 989 was a result of two powerful southern Varangian Kingdoms known as Tyrollen and Himalulen invading Kethswans kingdom of Horthmert-Varangia. At the start, Kethswans and his army was putting down rebellions in and around Ryzannord. Kethswan quickly marched his army back to the central plan where he met the Tyrollen-Himalulen Army a few miles south of Horthmert. Kethswans forced the alliance to retreat, but was unable to pursue them south. Later, the Alliance once again pushed north, this time onto Jergencrest to take the port and use it bring in more reinforcements quickly. Kethswan manuvered his army to cut off the advance, defeat the alliance once again and send them back south. But this time, he had his brother-in-law; Pareth, swing a detachment around to cut off the retreat. Pareth's detachment held the Jimal Pass against overwhelming odds, but long enough to allow Kethswan to encircle the alliance army, forcing a surrender and ending the war. Horthmert-Varangia annexed the fortified city of Doaneer.


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