Mielikki, Goddess of Nature and Forests in Terrania and Umbregia | World Anvil
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Mielikki, Goddess of Nature and Forests

You would be hard pressed to find any symbol or evidence of Mielikki worship in any Terranian city. But venture towards her many dense lush forests, and her presence will become apparent. Tucked away deep between the pines and amidst the brush, you find elaborate shrines and temples built in incredibly ornate, yet natural ways. Her faithful (The Arborcertus) ready and willing to guide those towards Mielikki’s message. For anyone in the lumber industry, it is imperative to make offerings, and to ensure balance is maintained (oftentimes this means stewardship of the forest or the planting of multiple trees for any one felled) For most non-followers, offerings when entering forests are encouraged. With her blessing, trips in and out of the woods should be uneventful.   Novura is her herald. Before the winter, Novura walks our world, and in her wake, the trees change colors. Her arrival lets our people know the winter will soon arrive, and to give ample time to prepare for it.


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