Savras, God of Divination and Fate in Terrania and Umbregia | World Anvil
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Savras, God of Divination and Fate

Savras is the home for any one feeling unease or uncertainty in the direction of their life. Folks in Terrania often swing by his temples and shrines to make an offering in order to gain guidance on important, life altering decisions. The priests (The Fatedrivers) endeavor to remind the uncertain of certainties that do exist. Ultimately, they say, it is Savras who will have a final say on their fate. For them, it is merely our duty to recognize the signs, ponder their meaning and make sense of their arrangement. Those devoted to Savras convene long, collaborative summits of likeminded individuals to discuss and theorize the meaning in everything happening in the world and try to reach an ultimate understanding of where these events are leading us.


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