Taegyu Geographic Location in Terrania and Umbregia | World Anvil
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Tucked away behind the Daegyu mountains, the isolated Kingdom sits in relative obscurity for many in Terrania. There are two parts of the Kingdom which are known. For many travelers, they will end up on and around the Seuloon Peninsula, which juts out into the Taegyu Sea. It is here that Sungyeong IX sits on his throne; the 83rd ruler from the Baejek House. The cities on the peninsula are world renown for their ship building and wood working. Deeper in the Kingdom sit massive, pristine forests of fantastical old growth wood. Merchants from as far as Oberfallen in Reinhart come to this Kingdom for not only material to build ships, but for ships themselves. Many navies around Terrania are Taegyu built. It is these forests that make up the second part of Taegyu, and make up the most talked about and rumored aspect of the Kingdom. The Forested Areas (which make up more than 60% of the landmass) are under the direct oversight and control by the Throne itself. Almost no foreigners are ever allowed access into these forests. Over the centuries, entrepreneurs, charlatans and guilds have tried every type of coin and trick to get access to those forests, but not a single member of the House Baejek has relented. Rumors abound; are the forests filled with mountains of platinum and adamantine? Are they filled with fantastical feywild settlements? Is it filled with a massive cult trying to resurrect unfathomable horrors? Who knows, and most of us never will. Yet, a very select few are allowed into the forests, and those who are able to enter carry the mark of Baejek. Anyone carrying this mark is highly esteemed and coveted for not only their knowledge of what secrets are hidden, but also one's expertise.
Title: The Supreme Royal Baejek Lands of Taegyu
Founded: 671 AC
Captial: Jyeungja
Ruler: Sungyeong IX of The Supreme House of Baejek


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