Talos, God of Storms, Wind and Weather in Terrania and Umbregia | World Anvil
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Talos, God of Storms, Wind and Weather

For many Talos is a savage and vengeful deity. His storms have caused unfathomable sums of destruction, loss, and death. They seem arbitrary at times, coming suddenly from nothing, and dissipating just as fast. As a result, many associate Talos with frenzy and the outburst of emotion. Yet, his faithful insist Talos is not simply a capricious and maleficent entity, but an example of what one can do when they master the harnessing of raw emotion. For when Talos’s rage hits our lands, he is reminding us of our folly, but also, our potential. Priests (The Stormweavers) endeavor to master the technique of becoming engulfed in emotion, and corral it, giving one the power of a tempest or hurricane. Following Talos’s example will allow you to carry his boon, the storms, to use in his name. His temples sit upon the coasts, high atop rockstrewn cliff sides. There, his devotees sequester themselves, training rigorously in the hopes of one day emulating Talos.


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