Tempus, God of War in Terrania and Umbregia | World Anvil
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Tempus, God of War

When the drumbeat of Tempus begins, there is no way to stop it, it is inevitable. Some say, Tempus’s yearning is the strongest force folks will endure. If it builds up too much, there is no resistance, Tempus’s will must be submitted to. It is through this that the Priests (The Duxbellums) of Tempus say how folks find themselves in war. It is a natural part of our world, and as such, divine. There are no temples to Tempus, only battlefields. The spectacle itself is the offering to Tempus and all he desires. Soldiers will carry icons of Tempus into battle, in the hopes of pleasing him, so they may die a good clean death, or impress him enough to carry on his will.


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