The Condemned Gods of Terrania in Terrania and Umbregia | World Anvil
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The Condemned Gods of Terrania

Bhaal, God of murder
Cyric, God of lies and illusions
Talona, Goddess of disease and poison
Bane, God of Oppression, Dominance and Tyranny
  Mask, God of thieves
Loviatar, Goddess of pain
Myrkul, God of Dead and Bones
Malar, God of the bloodlust and savagery
These deities have no official presence sanctioned with Terrania. For various reasons, their worship has been repressed and banned. That being said, their faithful are still known to linger behind closed doors, and in underground secretive cults. Throughout history, many conflicts in Terrania have arisen as these entities attempt to surface and create change in our lands.


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